

Friday, July 13, 2018

The First Book of Adam and Eve

So I read a little from the first book of Adam and Eve. This is a pseudepigrapha book (in the sense it is a non canonical book involving people from the bible). Still, even if the book is not necessarily unequivocally true, the oral lendandes that is it composed of likely had some basis in reality.

Here are some of my thoughts on the matter. First, Adam and Eve die a lot more than you might expect. Perhaps it makes a little sense, living in a state where they could not die to living in a state where they could. They didn’t understand their actions or even causality. They drown, throw themselves onto a mountain. Etc

It also seems to resolve some of the issues found in the bible. For example, in Genesis, the serpent that beguiled them is forced to lie on its belly and be a snake. However, if you take this story literally, there still is the problem that modern snakes don’t talk. Well, chapter 18 addresses this. The serpent tries to attack Adam and, as punishment, is no longer able to talk. Also according to this chapter snakes were sent to India.

Well, this is a really short write up, especially considering the hours and hours I spent actually reading the piece. Anyways, comment below if you want more content on this topic, or comment topics you would like covered in the future. No promises though, as this blog is the leftovers, stuff that just doesn’t fit with my other sites.

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