

Saturday, December 30, 2017

Why Garfield Go is better than Pokémon Go

Why Garfield Go is better than Pokémon Go
Garfield Go is a game that was released and it seems no one talks about it; I have yet to find another player. Pokemon Go of course was a huge hit at release, but from my observations, seems to have fallen out of favor with most. I personally don’t play it much nowadays, especially now that I am out of school, which is where all my pokestops were. But I have been playing Garfield Go, and I would even go as far to say it is a better game. Here's why:
One, the game loads in a reasonable amount of time. All the graphical detail in Pokemon Go perhaps makes the game look better, but it loads super slow, particularly on an older phone. The graphics in Garfield Go are much simpler, so the game loads much quicker. Garfield also doesn’t have the issue where pokestops take forever to load.
Two, the roles of item preparation and play are reversed. Pokemon Go, unless you are lucky enough to have a pokestop within the reach of your home, requires you to travel to get pokeballs and supplies. In Garfield Go, you can stay in your home and collect supplies; it is only when you want to use the supplies to get rewards that you need to travel. This arrangement makes for a better game in my opinion, as I can do more play on wifi versus on data.

Three, there are real prizes. After essentially everyone I knew quit Pokemon Go, it began to seem like a waste of time to me. After all, one of the biggest motivators to me is to be the best, like no one ever was. But if no one else is competing, it's not much of a motivator. Garfield Go, on the other hand, is motivating because it has real rewards. So far, I have only gotten $5 on Amazon from it, but hey, that’s more than than most games I play have paid me.
Four, the gameplay itself is comical in both a good way and a bad way. It's very difficult to aim the donuts in the donut toss. Also, Garfield Says is perhaps the worst minigame of all time. It is super slow paced. And while it isn’t difficult perse, it isn’t fun either. I get tired of the game long before I forget the pattern.  When you reach a coin, it starts a little mini game where you need to put food in Garfield’s bowl and he will show you where the treasure chest is. The aiming used to be very bad, but is now just slightly bad. When you would miss, Garfield would put his hands on his head and shake it in shame at you.

So in short, maybe you should check out this game, get some Garfield coins or something.

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