Once upon a time, there was a young wizard boy named Harry Pooter. He was named this, because I had a typo, and I was too lazy to fix it. Harry lived in a cupboard above the stairs with his niece and nephew. They were very kind people, and had extreme magical powers. They all enjoyed playing maplestory together as a family. It turns out, Harry’s parents were quite poor before they decided to sell him into slavery. Harry was fortunate enough to be taken in by his thoughtful Niece and Nephew ( both of whom were much older than harry mind you).
One day, harry was waiting for his girlfriend to wake up from her nap. Harry wanted to play a video game; however, the internet was not working at his apartment ( Harry moved away for school). Harry wondered what he should do. “uuuuugh” Harry thought, as he sat on the couch. “Why doesn’t the internet work!” his mind yelled in anguish.
Time passed, and his mind went blank as he stared at the wall, totally at a loss as to what he should do.
A giant mushroom appeared; it had a majestic green hat ( you know, the top of the mushroom, not like a baseball cap). It must have been nearly 2 yards in diameter, and stared at harry in all its mushroomy glory. The mushroom beamed with uncharacteristic happiness (most mushrooms aren’t this happy as you probably know). Although it didn’t talk, the mushroom’s face seemed to say, climb aboard harry. Harry was a bit frazzled. What if his girlfriend woke up while he was gone? Speaking of which, why did the large mushroom not cause her to awaken in the first place? As Harry sat, lost in his chain of thought, the mushroom gently bumped into him, as if to say, “would you please hurry this up.” Harry snapped back to reality . Or, well… something somewhat similar to reality. Like reality with giant mushrooms and wizards. Now that I think about it, maybe that is reality, and the boring non-wizard mushroomless life we think is real is just a game. Food for thought.
“Mister narrator, isn’t it time we got back to the actual story” Harry said.
“woah, woah, woah, I replied, the characters aren’t allowed to break the fourth wall” I replied.
“But I am bored of listening to you as you consider whether or not Maplestory is real life. Besides, this mushroom is starting to give me a strange look”
Harry was right, the mushroom was indeed giving him a strange look. Harry, in fear, jumped aboard the back of the mushroom. And by jumped, I mean climbed, as the mushroom was about a foot taller than him. Suddenly, the world whirled around him, colors flashed, red, blue, purple, yellow, white, then everything turned to black, as if it were some kind of cosmic loading screen.
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