The Gospel of Judas, like much of the ancient texts of ( potential I guess I might add)scripture that was not chosen to be in the bible, is not in the best condition and, big chunks are missing from it. Things like Jesus saying, now what I’m going to tell you is really important [ 10 lines of text missing].... and that is the answers to everything you need to know in life. Great, thanks Judas. The overall tone of the piece I think is a bit questionable. The portrayal of Jesus here is very unlike any of the canonized gospels. Here in multiple instances Judas says, “ Jesus Laughed”, and the apostles in both instances ask, why are you laughing at us? this are the very character of the piece make me question its authenticity. However, I am no bible scholar, so I know not.
The Gospel of Judas provides an interesting perspective on number of topics. For instance it gives an alternative creation story. It also contains a section on Judas fate. If you are interested, here is the link to the text.